Monday 7 September 2009

havn't posted on here for a while, the dreams still going strong.

once again, I return with deep writing. Sorry for another rant,. But you should know this one.

It's true. There are millions and millions of Jonas fans. We love them so much, and of course we've all had the thought:

"Am I going to marry a Jonas Brother?"

Yes there's only 2 left, 3 if you're Frankies age. And only 3 other girls are the lucky ones who will end up with them.

I see a lot of girls reply to those topics 'I won't marry one sadly, it's just reality and the way things are supposed to be' and stuff like that. WHO said it's supposed to be like that? Aren't they normal guys you just have yet to run into? You never know who you'll run into next.

It should be nice to know that at least you have a chance. All of us are equal and we love them and of course we love to think we're going to be a future Mrs. Jonas. It's entirely possible. But it's not easy to tell. We can't tell. We don't know what our future holds, sadly. We don't know what new faces we'll see, we can't tell who we'll marry or what we'll be doing. Whether it's writing, singing, or being involved in a big business.

The boys love us, and the woman they spend their lives with they hope is their biggest fan and loves them for who they are. Funny, Talented, Normal, Caring guys. We all love them like that. But sometimes girls who say 'I love him' when they talk about a specific Jonas Brother, we can mean it in different ways.


I love you for your fame [barely ANY of us]
I love you because you make me smile
I love you because you mean the world to me
I love you like I never have any other boy
I love you, and I mean it in a million ways - That's what I mean.

The last one is exactly what I mean when I say I love you to them. Be it All 3 Brothers for being there, or to Joe alone. Joe I've always had something for him, there's just something about him that makes me happier than I've ever been even if I never met him. But quote time from a friend of mine had in a dream;

"You have known me, you just haven't met me"

Which is true. We all know them, and every day we get to know them more. It may not feel like it, but it's true if you really think about it:

Each day means you're closer to meeting them [again] | if you haven't. I haven't met them yet.
Which means after that's over the next day is ANOTHER day closer to meeting them again.

Hard to believe I know, but it's true. Each day you're knowing them more and more.

As far as marrying them goes, If you don't marry Nick or Joe, you're still a fan which means you're still their best friend.

The days will come when they will choose their brides. And those girls are lucky, luckiest girls alive in our eyes. But the day will come when you will choose your groom. And he will make you feel just as wonderful, happy, and pure as these 3 boys do. Have you ever thought being around Nick, Joe, and Kevin is a future glimpse at how happy your husband will make you?

Your husband is going to be just as sweet and caring as they are to us. It's hard to picture because we don't know who we'll end up with, but I do know he will be exactly how you've always pictured your life partner. Some of us know for sure we won't marry Nick or Joe simply because we Love them, but they aren't what we want to spend our lives with as a lover. They are amazing, but some girls want something else for their husband to have in his qualities.

It is all the more possible to marry one of them, it's up to you.

I for one think DEFINITELY for sure one of us is the next Mrs. Joe and Nick Jonas.

Look at God. Turn to him if you ever need a way to go for these situations. He created Love. He created us, He created JB. And he created your husband. He's out there, and he's searching for his Bride. For all you know one of us could be the Mrs. Joe Jonas or Mrs. Nick Jonas. It could be me, it could be you, God only knows. And we can only know when the days come.

I don't know the exact name of who the lucky girls are, but I do know it's going to be an ordinary girl who will stand out to Joe and Nick and she'll get to do what she loves and she's also just an ordinary girl. Like us.

We are ordinary girls. They are ordinary boys.

Just being a fan makes us the luckiest girls alive. Because they love us anyway, and they always will.

Future Mrs. Jonas, they could be on here, they could be typing right now, who knows?

Today in church we started a new session on Love, what real Love is.

Real Love is unconditional, it does not envy, Real love is a commitment.

We're committed to them right?

Real love is an Action, Love is still loving someone even when you don't feel like it. Loving someone who's hard to Love. Love is God. And when you show these actions, when you show that you are committed to someone and that you love them even on the worst days, and no matter what they do no matter how much they can upset you you still Love them. It's going through all the rough times and still holding onto your Love. Even through times when you feel like you'll loose them, you never do.

That's real Love.

Real love isn't being weak at the knees when you see them, longing for them because of looks is lust. If it took time for them to completely grow on you, I'm pretty sure your love for them is true. They are something special, they're always there. And they make us feel like the impossible is possible. And God knows who we truly love and are destined to be with. Friend or Lover.

Is it Destiny for you? Will you forever be with the Jonas Brothers?

Fan or Lover.

I know I will.

And I believe any of us can. I sure as heck hope when I meet them, they'll like me.

The future holds a lot. They love us forever, now it's up to us to do the exact same thing.

But never ever loose your faith and hope. Never loose your trust in God.

Never ever ever loose your dreams.

The chances are high for you and me

If you are not a Future Mrs. Jonas, Don't Cry over it. It'll be a disappointment, but I promise it's not a loss. You still love them. And it won't be the end of the world.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For the Lord has plans for you, Plans to Prosper and not harm you.

I trust you on that.


Thursday 2 July 2009

i had to best day with you that day.

did you ever think our dreams would become a reality, and all we did was just believe.

best day of my whole life so far, things can only get better right(:

i applied for meet & greets for november 22nd
would meen to absolute world to me if u wished me good luck,just a little something in your head
i realy want/need one so bad, i'm gonna do anything and everything to get one.
and then i'll prove to you all my dreams have come true.
because when you love somone so much, You find your way to them because God won't let the love go to waste.

oh the picture yeah its Joseph taking the scrpbook from me, cant describe the feeling it was amazing though!


did y

Monday 29 June 2009

the road the success...

its not always easy believing in yourself i no
some days go wrong, some days go right
infact on the way to achieving your dreams it can be tough,painful and over whelming
having God by your side it will make it alot easier
right now in my life i cry everyday wishing that my dream will come true
if only someone could give me a fairy godmother?
well thats not gonna happen but i'm gonna keep believing and do everything i can untill november
all those tears and painful times will be over i will be rewarded and also he will be reward too
i will be the luckiest person ever, this time i meen it
my dreams are coming true no matter what anyone says this time my dreams are coming true
with my best friend beside me.

i'd like to thank God now, and tell him i love him and i hope he has faith in me (:

and i no no one reads this but i feel alot better after i write, i love to write.

but i bet after novemeber 22nd people read this so for then HI!

believe in yourself 100% and you can acheive ANYTHING.
i promise.

Sunday 28 June 2009

qoute of the day.

you finaly think you've found someone you can trust
then you find out there not who they said they were in the first place!

when things go wrong, take a deap breath, count to 10 and move on.


is it possible to love someone too much?

i love him alot,
some people say too much.
it hurts but people say love is painful.
should love be painful?

do you know how it feels to love someone whole heartedly yet they have no idea who you are?
its typical high school thing scenario yet he's its nothing to do with school

lets say i'm the nerdy girl who no one notices
hes the popular guy in the school which everygirl wants to be with, just because hes popular not because they love him.
and theres a girl lets call her Camilla? she was a normal girl but then she dated the popular guy just to become popular herself

the popular guy notices the nerdy girl for once in his life smiles and says hey you
she just smiles(:

i'll leave it on a positive note.

if you believe in your self you can achieve anything
no matter how big or how little your dream is
if you believe in yourself you can achieve
-Sade Burns.


Saturday 27 June 2009

todays one liner.

We all try to control our life but sometimes things happen and go in our favor so just follow the path to your dreams.

^ can you believe it i'm accauly sticking to writing a qoute of the day?
ahah we'll see what tomorrow brings.

hello beautiful.

everytime i see his name,everytime i see his face my heart skips a beat
i get a warm glow inside, my eyes light up and i smile uncontrolably
he says goodnight and see you next year, my heart is broken i cry for hours
i wake up the next morning to think about what happend yesterday, it hurts so much to see him go
but i'd do it again and again and again just to see those eyes.

when your in love nothing eles matters.
